Friday, January 25, 2008

New blog, new ideas!

I decided to revamp our blog over the weekend. I wanted more style, and more Art.

I'll be adding the old posts to the new blog just as soon as I figure out how to transfer it all over!

Have you seen the new Studio yet? I am absolutely loving the new space! So many areas to shoot in. It has definitely allowed me to broaden the horizons.

Most of you know that I love photographing babies and children. It's how I got my start, and where my creative fire burns the hottest. But, with the opening of the new studio, I have a new fire burning in the pit of my creative soul, and I'm nearly busting at each opportunity I have to let it come out! High School Seniors are a new favorite of mine. These kids...almost full blown adults are full of so much personality, much like babies, but different. They are expressive, moody, blunt, and beautiful in so many ways. Each one that comes through the doors shines in his or her own way. No two are alike.